Giving Green Fund
What is the Giving Green Fund?
The Giving Green Fund is a climate grantmaking fund designed to maximize the impact of your charitable donations.
When you donate to the Fund, your gifts are then disbursed to a portfolio of high-impact climate projects identified by the Giving Green team.
We believe giving to the Fund is our highest-impact climate donation option.

Why choose the Giving Green Fund

We continuously update our disbursement strategies based on the evolving landscape of climate action, so your donations can have an outsized impact.

We make disbursement recommendations every quarter, and donations to the Fund are usually disbursed to high-impact climate projects in six months.

The Fund offers a convenient way for you to support several climate initiatives with a single transaction.

How does the Giving Green Fund work?
Thorough research
Giving Green’s researchers recommend disbursements based on our understanding of the highest-impact available giving opportunities. The majority of the Fund goes to supporting our current top climate charities, but the Fund also makes grants to other organizations working on high-priority climate projects.
We publish all Fund disbursements regularly and transparently, so you can track where your money is going.
Independent management
Your climate donations to the Fund are held by Giving What We Can, a separate effective-giving nonprofit organization, and disbursed based on recommendations from Giving Green’s research team.
100% for climate action
Giving Green’s team never takes a cut from the Fund. 100% of your charitable gifts will be disbursed to systems-changing climate initiatives.
For more questions on the Giving Green Fund, visit Giving Green’s FAQ page.

The Giving Green Fund’s past disbursements
Note that the relative amount disbursed to an organization is not an endorsement of donating to any one nonprofit above others. Rather, it is based on our assessment of the funding needs of the organizations at the time.