As the Giving Green Fund reaches new heights, we will level up disbursement strategies to support more high-leverage climate initiatives.

In April, the Giving Green Fund, our regranting fund, received an unprecedented and unexpected gift of $10 million from an anonymous donor.
Our small team was floored and delighted. The above screenshot captured our reactions when we found out during a routine team meeting.
We do not know the donor behind this generous gift, and we respect their wish to remain anonymous. We are now shifting our focus to level up the disbursement strategies to support more high-leverage and underfunded work by effective climate charities.
The Giving Green Fund is our highest-impact donation option. It was launched at the end of 2022 to help donors increase the responsiveness of their climate donations by using dynamic disbursement strategies, which we believe could have outsized impact. The potential for these strategies grows as the fund grows.
The latest gift, which comes at the heels of another transformative $1 million donation from the Ray and Tye Noorda Foundation, calls for a new level of creativity.
The majority of the $10 million will be regranted to Giving Green's top climate charity recommendations. We will analyze each organization's current funding situation and plans to use additional funds, and use this information to determine an allocation that we think will be most impactful.
We also plan to use this grant to support high-impact initiatives that we think are exceptionally high impact but do not qualify to be top charities. We will give more detail on our plans for these “growth grants” in an upcoming post. For instance, we will consider:
Seeding new charities.
Supporting young and promising organizations.
Funding specific research projects, analyses, and convenings.
As with all contributions to the Giving Green Fund, we intend to disburse this money quickly so that it can get into the hands of the organizations doing the real work on the ground. We plan to make major disbursements in Q3 of 2024 and intend to regrant all of this gift by the end of the year.
We started Giving Green because we were frustrated by the lack of climate action while overwhelmed by the plethora of suggested personal actions, not all of which truly move the needle.
We have always known that there are more people like us: those who want to support climate initiatives but need some guidance on giving with confidence. Four years later, we have had the privilege to cross paths with some of them: from youth who raised $20 at yard sales to employees who donate through workplace giving schemes to anonymous donors with no strings attached.
Thank you all for letting us be a part of your climate journey.