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Vox: Want to fight climate change effectively?

Vox: Want to fight climate change effectively? Here’s where to donate your money

Here’s where to donate your money

If you’re reading this, chances are you care a lot about fighting climate change, and that’s great. Maybe you’re thinking about making a donation to the cause as you watch wildfires burning in California, ice shelves shattering in the Arctic, and glaciers breaking loose in Antarctica, all at the same time. Climate change is the biggest emergency facing humanity. Our global response to it has been, in a word, pathetic. Over the past decade, our carbon dioxide emissions have actually risen 11 percent. We need to reverse that trend — and fast. The trouble is, it can be genuinely hard to figure out how to direct your money wisely if you want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There’s a glut of environmental organizations out there and a lack of rigorous research on their impacts and cost-effectiveness, though that’s beginning to change with the arrival of new evaluators like Giving Green.


Click here to read the full article on Vox.


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